Monday, January 21, 2008

First Day on my new blog!

Well, I finally did it! I've been told so many times that I should have blog, especially as an artist, that I decided to do it. This one seemed a bit easier than some I've looked at, and the layout easy to put together. (It had to be dummy-proof for me to do it, of course!). So now the pressure will be on to write something almost everyday - but that's okay, I'm at ease with random babble, especially when it comes to talking about art. Art is an endless subject. Artist's block? No such thing. Rather, sometimes I'm afraid of starting something for fear that it won't turn out the way I envision it. But that's silly - it puts myself as an artist into a very small box. The key is to start without a predetermined idea of what the finished piece will look like. An idea needs to be general enough to inspire a start, but vague enough to allow creativity to bloom.

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